Congrats on making the investment in yourself to join Foundations. Over the next 6-weeks, you’re going to build a stable foundation for lasting weight loss by mastering the big rocks!

We’re so excited to work with you and will do everything we can to ensure you have a life-changing experience and accomplish all of your goals!

This page contains info about the next steps of the process and all of the amazing things you’ll have access to as a Foundations client!

Thank you again for choosing EA Coaching to help you transform your life. We’re here for you every step of the way!

~Esther, Lauren, Lindsay, and Kacie

Next Steps

Within 48 hours of submitting your payment, completing the intake form, and sending your full body (front, side, and back) photos to, one of your Foundations coaches will email you with your nutrition targets and step-by-step instructions for setting them up in MyFitnessPal. (Don’t worry if you’ve never used the app before!)

Your 6-weeks of coaching and daily accountability will begin the Monday after you receive your targets.


You‘ll have the opportunity on your kickoff call to ask questions and get help with any of the tech stuff that might seem confusing!

Logging Into Your Member Dashboard

Log into your Member Dashboard for the first time at

Your username is your email and you‘ll need to reset your password before logging in for the first time.

Breaking Down Your Member Dashboard

This is your hub for all the things: your Courses, Extra Resources, Important Links, and Bonus Guides.

Facebook Group

Your FB group will be your primary form of communication with your coaches.

You’ll see:

  • reminders about your weekly Office Hours Coaching Calls (one weekday and every other weekend)
  • reminders about your monthly specialty calls (Intro to Mindset, Ask our RD, & Ask our Physiologist)
  • reminders about & link to submit your biweekly progress updates
  • weekly goal setting & check-in posts
  • a daily thread where you can post your end-of-day screenshot from MyFitnessPal to get feedback
You’re, of course, welcome to post any time with questions, to share wins, etc.

Join our Referral Program

Our clients do an amazing job of introducing us to their friends, family, and peers, so as a way to say thank you for that, we’ve created the Referral Program. We’re committed to creating a VIP experience both for you and the people you introduce us to in the future!

Benefits for you: Gifts, free coaching, or cash of equal value, become the person your loved ones have to thank for helping change their lives, not having to hear your coworkers and friends whine about their latest miserable diet! We’ll contact you whenever someone you’ve introduced signs up!

Benefits for your friends & family: “Starting Success” gift bundle, 1-free month of the Club, finally breaking the diet cycle, and more…

Benefits for EA Coaching: Sustainable growth, the opportunity to serve more women who need our help, getting to share the wealth with you!

Meet Your Coaches


Esther has been working in the fitness industry since 2006 and worked in a variety of settings (commercial, corporate, boutique, municipal) before launching EAWC online in 2015. She has a B.S. Exercise Science from Boston University, Precision Nutrition Level 2 Nutrition Coach + former intern, ACE-certified Healthy Behaviors Coach, ACE-certified Personal Trainer, Cooper Institute certified Life Coach + former intern, GGS Certified Pre- and Postnatal Coach, IOPN diploma in Sports Nutrition, Certified Sports Nutritionist from the Institute of Sports Nutrition, and TRX Suspension Group Trainer. She is a mom of 1 and has moved all over the world (currently Germany) with her active duty Navy husband. She enjoys all things brunch.

Registered Dietician & Foundations Coach

Lauren has a BS in Nutrition and a MS in Kinesiology/Sports Nutrition and has worked as a Registered Dietitian for the past 9 years. She currently lives in Eastern North Carolina with her son and senior pup. Throughout her childhood, Lauren struggled with being overweight while playing sports and being active. She got into this profession selfishly but has gained a passion in helping others reach their individual nutrition goals. You can find Lauren on the beach, spending time with family, and trying out the newest local craft beer.

Foundations Coach

Lindsay has a MS in National Security and was the safety lead on two of the Marine Corps tactical vehicle programs prior to adopting her oldest. She is now a homeschooling mom with three boys (4, 9, 16), a wife of 17 years, a veteran client of EAWC, and a newly certified Precision Nutrition coach. After years of struggling with her weight and yo-yo dieting, she found the answer to living a healthy, balanced life through EAWC, lost over 100#, and developed a passion to help women like herself achieve food freedom & happiness. She loves the beach, reading, fantasy football, and, of course, peanut butter.

Online Business Manager

Kacie is a veteran client of EA Coaching, and newly certified as an ACE-personal trainer & PN nutrition coach. You'll won't see all the hard work she puts in behind the scenes but you will see her in the FB group! She's an expert at doing things she said she never would like running a half marathon and competing in Crossfit, and is a Navy wife and mom of two.

What happens when Foundations ends?

At the end of Foundations, you’ll have the option to take what you’ve learned & continue to thrive on your own or you can join our Club for ongoing support and accountability!

Even when you are no longer a client, you’ll maintain access to the Foundations curriculum.

As we get toward the end of your 6 weeks, we’ll share more info about the Club – for now just focus on the task at hand!