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Congrats on 
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Your ticket OFF the weight loss rollercoaster is to...

Your ticket OFF the weight loss rollercoaster is to...

learn & master the exercise & nutrition “Big Rocks”

learn & master the exercise & nutrition “Big Rocks”

I know you might be surprised I’m not telling you it’s your age, hormones, or carb intake, right?!

Those are common scapegoats but ultimately are NOT the reason you’re struggling to lose weight & keep it off.

The reality of it is that the overwhelming majority of women who lose weight will gain it back.

The approach most women are taking DOES NOT work!

Keep reading to learn how the “Big Rocks” of exercise and nutrition are the key to being in the minority of women who lose weight and keep it off!

Consistency is the key to success.

Most women think their metabolisms are “broken” or there’s something wrong with them that makes losing weight impossible. 

The solution? 

To starve themselves on 1,000 calorie diets and run themselves into the ground with high intensity cardio.

That may work in losing some weight (mostly muscle) temporarily but it’ll never work long-term.

Learning and mastering the exercise & nutrition “Big Rocks,” eliminates the overwhelm of trying to perfectly hit macro targets, the rigidity of a meal plan you resent, and the intensity of exhausting workout challenges. 

When you focus on just the handful of key behaviors that will get you the majority of your results, you:

  • Get better results with shorter workouts so you can spend your time doing what you actually enjoy
  • Have the freedom to eat normal foods you actually like instead of feeling like you’re on a diet
  • Learn to track what matters without the overwhelm and fluff, even if you’ve tried before & failed

It is SO freeing to know what to do AND how to actually do it so that losing weight doesn’t take over your life!

Oh, BTW, I’m Esther!

I’m a sports nutritionist, weight loss coach, personal trainer, creator of the Gone For Good program, and I’ve helped hundreds of busy moms get off the weight loss rollercoaster for the last 17 years.

If you feel like there must be a better way to lose weight & drop inches than obsessing over macros, cardio and meal plans – you’re right – and I can show you how.

It’s time to get strong, shed pounds and feel confident – for good.

My clients are so successful because we take a completely different approach than most weight loss programs: when I created Gone For Good, I thought about what would have helped my mom overcome her struggles with her weight and make lasting changes to her lifestyle.

She – and all women – need comprehensive support, simplicity, and to learn how to trust themselves and get out of their own way. So I created a program that does just that.

Three Resources to Help You
Learn & Master the "Big Rocks":

1) Join my Facebook group, Live Diet-Free Every Monday, I host a live Q&A and post a goal setting thread and every Saturday we share wins! Engaging with these will help you commit to your goals and actually follow through!


2) Check out these episodes of the Live Diet-Free podcast: Mastering the Weight Loss “Big Rocks” or The Best Workouts For Weight Loss. In these episodes, I’ll help you eliminate the overwhelm of not knowing what to do and focus on the key behaviors that will drive your results! 


3) Join my Gone For Good program.  If you’re ready to develop the consistency, commitment, and confidence you need to reach your weight loss goals & maintain them, our 12-week coaching program will show you how to do just that! (Click Gone For Good above or visit to learn more)


P.S. I’ve got a few emails queued up over the next few days to help you learn & master the exercise & nutrition “Big Rocks”so make sure to check your email!