Why Mindset Skills Matter
Why You Need To Understand Your Thoughts
Getting & Understanding Motivation

Bridging The “Gap” From Current You to Future You

You should have already envisioned a future where you were your Best Self and written a letter imagining what your future could look like a year from now. 

Now I want you to think about how your Current Self can start becoming this Best Self. What needs happen to make that a reality?

What changes do you need to make so that your actions are better aligned with this Best Self? 

What would your Best Self do faced with some of the obstacles in front of you right now? 

Start by making a list of things that your Current Self struggles with, for example:

  • Snoozing instead of waking up to work out 
  • Overeating snacks/sweets 
  • Staying up late watching TV
  • Not grocery shopping or meal prepping
  • Drinking alcohol

Then ask yourself, “What would my Best Self do? How would she act?”

  • Would she sleep in? Or get up and do what she said she was going to do?
  • Would she eat mindlessly or stay aware of when/why she’s turning to food and use replacement behaviors to address the root issue?
  • Would she have a wind down routine so that she felt ready for bed and got restful sleep?

Once you identify the disconnect between what your Current Self is doing and how you want to be acting, you can start thinking and acting like your Best Self.

Some ideas for you to consider:

  • Check your language. Are you saying things like, “I’ll try,” “I hope,” “If I can”? How would your Best Self speak with confidence? Try, “I do” and “I am.”
  • Pay attention to autopilot. Your Current Self’s habits might not be aligned with your Best Self. How can you work on replacing those behaviors with new ones that will feel like second nature to your Best Self?