Why Mindset Skills Matter
Why You Need To Understand Your Thoughts
Getting & Understanding Motivation

NSV List Assignment

I know that getting on the scale regularly can be anxiety-inducing. We use the scale as just one of many indicators of progress. It is not the end-all-be-all and it does not define you or dictate whether you are successful or a failure.

I want you to do the following:

  • Open a note in your phone
  • Title it Non-Scale Victories & Things I’m Proud Of This Week
  • Write down every single small things that you did/accomplished/felt/noticed this week that you’re proud of. 
  • In future weeks, pull up this Note the second you notice or think of something, no matter how small. Consider this a running document of all the Wins you’ve had. The list will get very long.

Before you get on the scale each week, I want you to pull-up this document and review everything on it.

Then get on the scale, observe the number as a singular data point (hmm, that’s interesting, ok) and then look at this list again.

The things on this list are so much more important than the number on the scale.

I’m going to ask to see this list from time-to-time so don’t blow this off!