Why Mindset Skills Matter
Why You Need To Understand Your Thoughts
Getting & Understanding Motivation

Breaking Up With Your Old Self

Feel free to watch the video in the next lesson first, but make sure you write this breakup letter to your Old Self before moving on to the rest of the module. Old Self who has been standing in your way for far too long. 

Old Self has been standing in your way for far too long. She’s trying to help you but she’s misguided. She thinks that she’s helping you by protecting you from failure but really she’s holding you back.

She’s the one who doubts you at every turn. Who allows you to keep putting everyone & thing before yourself. Who keeps self-sabotaging and makes you feel like you can’t get out of your own way.

Old Self may have served you in the past but it’s time to take what you need from her and make room for a New Self. A BEST Self. 

Your first assignment is to write a letter to Old Self. Like any breakup, the relationship might not be all bad but it’s time to address the fact that it’s time to move forward and become the best version of yourself.

I know this can feel weird. I’ve done it, too. And I called my Old Self out on behaviors that were not serving me and that I wanted to improve in the future. And then I DID it. 

In order to become your Best Self, you have to first recognize the areas of yourself that have been holding you back. 

One way that may help you do this is to practice a visualization to help you identify, sort, and declutter all the negative sh*t in your mind.

**Close your eyes and visualize your brain as the attic of a hoarder.**

It’s full of junk. Mostly crap you don’t need but haven’t gotten around to throwing away. Lyrics to songs that you haven’t heard in 15 years. That embarrassing thing that happened in high school. The comeback you didn’t think of until it was too late. The hair & fashion styles that you wish went undocumented. You get the idea. There’s just a lot of crap taking up space up there.

Including the boxes of “Things That Are Holding Me Back,” full of allll the stuff preventing you from moving forward on your body & lifestyle transformation journey.

The memories in there are mostly not good:

  • The mean girls in middle school calling you “fat”
  • Being picked last in gym
  • Your mom putting you on a diet at a young age
  • Being really fit, pre-kids, something you think you’ll never achieve again
  • Clothes that you think you’ll never fit into again
  • Negative self-talk about why you can’t achieve your goals

What ridiculous clutter do you still have taking up mental space in there that you could free up today? Are those memories or experiences really worth saving, holding onto, or continuing to dwell on? NO! They’re not serving you! 

Sit down today and write out that letter to your Old Self & get rid of that mental clutter that’s been holding you back for way too long. I know it can feel weird or cheesy or uncomfortable. Do it anyway. 🙂