Quick fix diets might work in the short-term, but they come with risks beyond the almost guaranteed weight regain – nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, and electrolyte imbalances to name a few.
On today’s episode of The Live Diet-Free Podcast, I’m talking with EA Coaching client, Natalee, who, after reaching her “rock bottom” moment last summer, knew another short-term diet that would just lead to gaining the weight back was NOT the answer.
Over the last 6 months, she’s lost over 20 pounds, learned how to navigate food-centric family events, and, together with her fiancé, has made health a cornerstone of their future together.
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Taking Ownership
Coming from a large family where food is often the center of any gathering, Natalee knew she would have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Say “No thank you” to foods that she isn’t really interested in, but would have previously eaten simply because they’re there is a skill she’s developed in the process.
Something that helped Natalee take ownership of her decisions around food was taking an objective look at the data.
She noticed that when she was sticking with her plan during the week, the data reflected that and she was making progress. But, when she would throw caution to the wind on the weekends, the data showed that it was having a negative effect on her progress.
Being able to take that compassionate ownership and an objective approach gave Natalee the opportunity to adjust in ways that allowed her to continue living her life while also making progress towards her goals.
The Power of 1:1 Coaching
When Natalee realized that her weight was creeping up and she felt like she was hitting rock bottom, she started searching for answers.
She considered a quick-fix diet, but after a call with Coach Meg, she realized that what she really needed was a personal connection with someone.
Coach Meg helped Natalee create a plan that focused on one or two things at a time and mastering those before adding another new skill to the mix.
With this approach, Natalee was able to solidify new habits that have created the foundation for long-term success.
Natalee's Advice for You
Through her time with EA Coaching, Natalee has learned that avoiding behaviors that aren’t beneficial to you can be good, but avoiding things that fuel you and feed your soul isn’t healthy.
Learning how to navigate all the parts of life is crucial to long-term success.
As Natalee says, “You don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to be willing to get back up when you fall. You do need to be willing to practice consistency. If you did that and if you show up for yourself, you’ll get out of rock bottom. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. I promise.”
If you find yourself struggling to build the consistency necessary to reach your goals, our team of coaches at EA Coaching is here to help you. We have years of experience helping clients get off the weight loss rollercoaster and we’d love to help you do the same. Check out http://estheravant.com/coaching for more info.