Do you realize how important the way you talk to yourself is?
What we say about food and our bodies is a major predictor of how we eat and care for ourselves.
What you’re currently saying to yourself almost guarantees that you’ll continue engaging in the same behaviors and getting the same outcomes.
The key, then, to changing your behaviors and the results you get from them, is to change the way you’re talking to yourself.
Good news – you have 100% power over your self-talk.
In today’s episode I’m reviewing Words to Eat By by Karen Koenig and you’ll learn what is useful vs useless self-talk, understand why you’ve been stuck in unhealthy patterns for so long, and how to make your self-talk conscious, constructive, and serving of a higher purpose, including the exact words to say to yourself in moments when you’re faced with immediate food, exercise, and body image, related challenges.
Listen to this week’s episode: