174. Why Mental Toughness Matters for Weight Loss (and Life)

Let’s call a spade a spade and acknowledge that losing weight can feel really F’ing hard, sometimes.

Developing mental toughness is really important if you don’t want to give up any time things feel difficult.

When most of us hear the term “tough,” we think of a masculine, militant, no-pain-no-gain type attitude.

What if that was all wrong?

Today’s episode is a review of a book called Do Hard Things by Steve Magness and it’ll help you redefine how you see toughness.

I’m sharing my biggest takeaways from the book for developing unwavering confidence, setting better goals, and taking back control of your life.

Listen to this week’s episode:

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Connect with Esther

And if health weight loss is the area that you’re struggling in, please reach out to me, talk to our team, we can help you with this.

About the Show

If you’re tired of gaining and losing the same weight, feeling like you’re the only person out there struggling, and want to learn how to lose weight and live your healthiest, happiest, and most confident life – without perpetual dieting – this podcast is for you.

Fitness industry veteran, certified personal trainer, sports nutritionist & coach, Esther Avant, will help you learn how to enjoy the process of truly changing your lifestyle and guest interviews will help you realize you are not alone in your struggles.

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