6 Tips to Recommit to Your Goals

Taking action when you're not motivated is what separates the successful few from the masses. This article will show you how to recommit to your goals.

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Now is the perfect time to recommit to the goals you were so gung ho about just a few weeks ago.

If you’ve been noticing that your enthusiasm is waning, you’re certainly not alone. No one is motivated all the time.

Continuing to forge ahead despite not being as motivated as you were at the stroke of midnight is what separates the successful few from the masses.

Want to be part of the former group? Keep reading for 6 tips to help you recommit:


Spend 15 minutes reflecting on your initial goals/resolutions/words of intention that you decided on at the beginning of the year. 

Honestly assess how much progress you made toward them. List the successes you’ve had and the things that could have gone better.


Figure out which, if any, no longer feel right to you and cross those off.

Keep the ones that you still want to do/use and add any new ones to the list or edit so that you feel aligned with your choices.

Get Emotional

For each item on the list, write down why it’s important to you to accomplish those things. Ask yourself more than once. Get to the real, emotional root of why you need to make these changes to your life.

Develop a Plan

One of the main reasons we don’t accomplish our goals is that we never get past thinking about the outcome.

Results come from taking action. 

One of the first things I do with a new weight loss client is help her figure out what actions she need to take, and how often, to make her goals a reality. I call it the Success Framework. Without building these actions into your lifestyle, you won’t be able to reach your goals and maintain your results.

Get specific. Exactly what changes will you make to your diet? When & how often will you exercise? What will you do? Take some time on this. This is your blueprint for success.

Make a Schedule

A lot of women I talk to are great at showing up for everyone but themselves. Working, volunteering, managing a family, supporting friends, generally keeping the wheels on the bus…

That all gets done. But often to the sacrifice of their own sanity, health, and goals.

No more.

Get out your calendar and schedule in the time you need to make these things happen.

Treat them the same way you would a children’s doctor appointment or a meeting with your boss. Non-negotiable.

If you don’t make time, you’ll never have time.

Get Accountable

We all need accountability.

A friend, family member, or Facebook community can go a long way toward ensuring you actually follow through with the things you need to do.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness.

If you’ve tried going it alone thus far and are struggling with consistency or feel like you’re doing everything right and it’s just not working, let’s chat.

My 1:1 clients receive everything they need to be successful short- and long-term: 

  • Customized nutrition targets that allow them to reach their goals without giving up foods they love and learn exactly how maintain their results for a lifetime.
  • Individual exercise programming to ensure they know exactly what to do each & every time they exercise.
  • Support & accountability in the form of weekly coaching calls, check-ins, and 24/7 messaging.
  • A curriculum of modules to educate on the what, the why, and the how behind everything we do so they learn how to be self-sufficient and maintain their results.

If you’re curious about working together, book a free consult call and let’s chat about your goals, challenges, and if we’re a good fit, we’ll talk about what working together looks like!

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